The Futuristic movement is one of the most important intellectual identity-giving movements in the contemporary Islamic world, which has a strong historical-intellectual background in the Islamic works. The formation of the thought system of this movement in the contemporary era has been caused by the intellectual efforts of thinkers such as Mohammad Abdu, Muhammad Taher bin Ashour, Alal Al-Fasi, and in the later period, Taha Jabir Al-Alwani, Ismail Farooqi, and Abdul Hamid Abu Salmian. Alwani is one of the most prominent thinkers of this movement, whose intellectual development is in three stages, the effort to reconstruct Fiqh and Usul in the light of objectives, the Islamicization of knowledge, and finally returning to the Qur'an to provide solutions to the crises of the Islamic world. Therefore, the fundamental concern of the paper is to analyze Alwani's understanding of the most important intellectual challenge and the requirements of returning to the civilizational glory of the contemporary Islamic world. The findings of the study show that Alwani considers the central issue to be an intellectual crisis and does not consider the tradition of Muslims from the past centuries to be sufficient to get rid of these big crises. Therefore, by presenting an examination of the Qur'an that considers the connection between the unseen world and the universe, he considers implementing the macro goals of Sharia (monotheism, purification and development) as the solution of the reconstruction of Islamic civilization and considers this macro theoretical approach capable of responding to the challenges of contemporary civilization, which are analyzed in the paper.
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Sheikh Hosseini, M. (2023). The Intellectual Crisis of the Islamic World in Taha Jabir Al-Alwani's Futuristic Thought and the Requirements of Its Reconstruction. Islamic Political Thought, 2(3), 156-179. doi: 10.22081/ipt.2023.73637
Mokhtar Sheikh Hosseini. "The Intellectual Crisis of the Islamic World in Taha Jabir Al-Alwani's Futuristic Thought and the Requirements of Its Reconstruction", Islamic Political Thought, 2, 3, 2023, 156-179. doi: 10.22081/ipt.2023.73637
Sheikh Hosseini, M. (2023). 'The Intellectual Crisis of the Islamic World in Taha Jabir Al-Alwani's Futuristic Thought and the Requirements of Its Reconstruction', Islamic Political Thought, 2(3), pp. 156-179. doi: 10.22081/ipt.2023.73637
Sheikh Hosseini, M. The Intellectual Crisis of the Islamic World in Taha Jabir Al-Alwani's Futuristic Thought and the Requirements of Its Reconstruction. Islamic Political Thought, 2023; 2(3): 156-179. doi: 10.22081/ipt.2023.73637