The Objectives of Freedom in the Holy Qur'an, Based on the Anthropological Foundations of Tafsir Al-Mizan

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher at the Rushd Center of Imam Sadegh (as) University, graduate of Shahid Beheshti University with a PhD in Political Thought


The present study seeks to deal with the question on the nature of objectives of freedom based on the method of thematic interpretation of the Holy Qur'an. In this regard, in order to provide the interaction with the Holy qur'an to be possible, first the anthropological foundations of freedom organized based on Tafsir Al-Mizan is dealt with. Accordingly, freedom is identified as the superior need of Caliph of Allah in universe that in order to take advantage of this need, freedom must refine all arrogance and independent understanding related to itself. Then, by focusing on the element of "true" as the axis of freedom, he should adjust his interactions and relationships in social life so that he can benefit from freedom in worldly life. In fact, resorting to "truth" is known as the determining axis of freedoms and unfreedoms, and by understanding the truth of this resorting, one can find the objectives of freedom. According to the verses of the Holy Qur'an, confronting the truth in the arena of the Resurrection Day will appear in the form of inability to perform the desired actions of humans and being captured in shackles and chains. However, the belief and practical commitment to the truth is to enter an arena where human will and providence are applied and every wish is fulfilled as soon as that wish is formed.


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