The Meaning of Civilization and Its Islamic Nature

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran.


According to its background in the cultural history of the modern West, the meaning of civilization is full of conventional elements that may lead the civilization of the Islamic world to conventionalism. Thus, in this paper, in the first step, through referring to the human and moral nature of civilization, civilization is defined as the largest system (super-system) of human relations. Then the Islamic aspects of civilization in "Islamic words of civilization", "Islamic sources of civilization", "Islamic criteria for civilization", "Islamic principles of civilization", "Islamic culture in the process of civilization", and finally in "Dense Islamic responses to the accumulated needs of the Islamic world can be pursued. Based on this outlook, just as being a civilization is realized through meeting the great needs of humanity, Islamization also occurs at this point in response to the genuine needs of human societies (civilization as cumulative responses to the dense contemporary needs).


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