Foundations of Hussein al-Houthi Political Thought (Founder of the Yemeni Ansarullah Movement)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy.


The emergence of the Ansarullah movement in the Yemeni political scene is one of the most important developments in recent years, which, in addition to domestic consequences, has also led to the objective development of the resistance at regional and international levels. Although this movement intellectually follows the Zaydi beliefs, but in reconstructing these beliefs and presenting an intellectual system for the establishment of a socio-political movement, it is based on the political thought and action of Hussein al-Houthi as the founder of the movement. According to Hussein al-Houthi, the Islamic world has degenerated and the only solution for that is to return to the Qur'an. In this system of thought, by returning to the Qur'an, we see the reconstruction of concepts such as resistance, fighting arrogance, etc. in the light of the Qur'an and its adaptation to the policies of the United States and Israel. The political thought and action of the Yemeni Ansarullah movement is based on the foundations and principles on which the political thinking of Hussein al-Houthi is based intellectually. These are the foundational issues of this thought. The findings of the paper suggest that in this system, belief and following the thought of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution, is considered as a standard model based on the Qur'an that has saved a part of the Islamic Ummah at this stage of oppression and arrogance.


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مقابلات الکاتب مع:

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