Foundations of Qur'anic Politics with Emphasis on Tafsir Al-Mizan

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Political Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Iran.


In response to the question about the foundations of Qur'anic politics, the current paper, in addition to conceptual examination and analysis of politics, tries to explain the Qur'anic view of the foundations of politics with an in-text approach and relying on Izutsu's semantic analytical model. Based on the semantic approach, understanding the foundations of politics, as a matter of governance in the Holy Qur'an requires placing politics in a semantic or Qur'anic worldview. Considering this approach and using the method of thematic interpretation and with emphasis on Tafsir Al-Mizan (as the methodological model of the paper), the verses that make up the worldview of the Holy Quran were studied, and it guided us to basic concepts such as: "creation and being creator", "property and ownership", "divine guardianship and government", "divine succession and caliphate of man", "Ummah and Imamate" and "world and the hereafter". Through explaining the aforementioned concepts and the effect of believing in them in the approach to politics as a matter of governance, the author explains the foundations of Qur'anic politics.


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