The Duties of the Government Based on the Interpretation of the Transcendental Human Being in the Thought of Mulla Sadra


1 Student in Level Four of Islamic Seminary in transcendental wisdom, Masoumieh Seminary Higher Education Institute, Qom, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


The existence of the pillars of Mulla Sadra's philosophy and human excellence is its most important and essential goal. Therefore, the transcendental wisdom based on human excellence and its continuous evolutionary movement as a symbol of Shia rationality by presenting a solid philosophical system is an important step in guiding the individual and society in the form of a transcendental government, and repairs and corrects the shortcomings of various models of governance. While giving originality to the material aspect of the human being of the present age due to humanistic schools and the failure of various social systems that have abandoned the excellent aspect of politics, they have provided the context for the crisis of identitylessness and human degeneration. This study aims to use philosophical language to describe and analyze the foundations and characteristics of the transcendental human being, including transcendental self-flourishing, acceptance of spiritual education, and innate identification of the truths of things, etc. and indicate the transcendental human being as a suitable model for the establishment of the transcendental government. In fact, the current study is an introduction to the claim that Mullah Sadra's philosophy, with a change in the foundations and philosophical attitudes under the banner of a transcendental human being, is the only solution of the countless crises and challenges of the world's political systems to realize a transcendental government. Staying away from aristocracy, fighting against xenocentrism, focusing on justice, considering the principle of meritocracy, paying attention to the material and spiritual aspect of human, etc., are the findings of the rational effort of the present study to show the fact that there is a close relationship between the theory of the transcendental human and the transcendental government. This is because firstly, the transcendental human flourished next to the transcendental government, and the transcendental government would be incomprehensible without the transcendental human. Secondly, since the transcendental human has a comprehensive plan for the happiness and excellence of human, therefore, the transcendental government is a government that, in interaction with the transcendental human, provides the context for the expansion of focusing on Sharia, rationality, monotheism and justice.


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