General Principles of Western Studies Conflict of Disagreement and Confrontation between Iran and the West

Document Type : Original Article


Thinker and professor of philosophy, Head of Advanced Research Center, Delta, Lebanon.


This study seeks to explain the principles and foundations of Western studies in the arena of Iranian experience and looks at it as an exceptional event in contemporary history. According to this hypothesis, our discussion in explaining the differences between rupture and continuity between two parallel aspects of this Iranian experience is the religious metaphysical aspect based on the belief in the unseen and the socio-political aspect focusing on a collection of the presence and effectiveness of the postmodern era. However, the approach of Western analysis in the Iranian Islamic experience, due to its special feature, goes through a set of principles governing the understanding of phenomena in both political philosophy and modern sociology. The meaning of going through the prevailing principles here is not to deny or violate the principles and criteria adopted by modern reason, but to continue explaining the facts and realities that modern rationality has ignored and concealed- facts that go beyond a purely material interpretation of history. What leads us to such a claim is that the logic of causality governing the events and developments of history is not limited to the closed cave of historicism, but rather, it goes beyond that and enters horizons in which unpredictable developments and events are revealed, and at the same time are of the lineage and logic of causality. This means that there are facts that have been remained within history, and they only emerge when there is the right will to reveal them at the right time and place. The challenge of modern thought is that it confines its method to knowing what arises from the developments and twists of history, regardless of what lies at the heart of history, and is the source of its movement, renewal, and permanence.


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