Western Humanities Are the Product of Modernity's Break with Religion

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Sociology, former President of the Research Institute of University of Lebanon, Scientific Adviser, and Academy of the Lebanese University of Education.


Europe has witnessed four important events in a row that will have a profound impact on people's lives and mindsets. These events and changes will take place as follows: Coups against the Church, religious wars in Europe, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution in Britain. These changes were associated by changes in the way of thinking and looking at human problems that were far from the logic of the church and the principles and foundations of religion and the relationship with the unseen. These changes have affected the concepts and ways of thinking in the humanities and social sciences to such an extent that it now looks at people as a material object. The result of the break between science and religion in the West has been to bow down and celebrate the superiority of the individual and individualism, which will soon have important implications at the intellectual, philosophical, educational, social, artistic, and other levels. Western science was established in the humanities and social sciences with the belief that science could replace religion. Therefore, modernity became the worship of knowledge and the abandonment of the worship of heaven. However, this claim never led sociology to a "better design of the world."


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