An Examination of the Relationship between Freedom and Political Slavery from the Perspective of the Holy Qur'an

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought.


Based on the Qur'anic view, the situation of political freedom comes from within, when man is freed from his internal egoism and Taghut (rebel against God) and submits to monotheism and its implications; it will be a prelude to liberate himself from the bondage of others. However, the divine prophets are appointed by the constant message of confrontation with the outer Taghut, the combination of the two elements of moving away from the inner and outer Taghut is a way to liberation. Given that man, on the one hand, is dependent on worldly belongings and, on the other hand, is influenced by the effective manifestations of power and wealth, in any case, it is possible that in political interactions, he becomes fascinated and enslaved by others and subconsciously gives his freedom to others, so the divine prophets come to remind him of the forgetfulness of the blessing of freedom. Considering the importance of this issue, the present paper seeks to find out fundamentally what is the relationship between freedom and political servitude from the point of view of the divine words (The Qur'an). The hypothesis emphasizes that according to the basis of monotheism and the place of man as Khalifato Allah and his free and equal creation, according to the logic and verses of the Holy Qur'an, serving God is considered the first step towards political freedom and liberation, so no one has the right to undermine his freedom, just as he can not follow and enslave others in the political arena. Therefore, by serving God, man has a spirit of freedom and opens his path to political freedom, a path in which obedience to Taghut is rejected and denied. This issue has been examined by the method of ijtihad interpretation. The relationship between freedom and slavery in the political arena has been less considered by scholars in the field of Islamic political thought, and this can be considered as an innovation of this paper.


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