Epistemological Identity and Knowledge Domains of Political Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Politics, Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, Qom, Iran.


Unlike the approach of governmental jurisprudence, which considers the issue of governance in deriving the rulings related to the proper management of the government, in all jurisprudential chapters and issues, political jurisprudence, as an interdisciplinary field related to jurisprudence and politics, is part of a wide range of jurisprudential issues, which analyzes political issues. This specialized field, which considers political behaviors at the micro (individual) and macro (social) levels based on the Shari'a, is in line with the political beliefs that are discussed in political discourse. Political jurisprudence, which uses the methodology of ijtihad in proportion to its jurisprudence, focuses on a special type of jurisprudential methodology appropriate to the understanding of political affairs, which, while using the text-oriented methodology, emphasizes the priority and centrality of the rational method. In terms of scope, it includes individual, social, and governmental issues, and in terms of ruling, it includes primary, secondary, and governmental rulings. In addition to issuing inferences of rulings, political jurisprudence, it is capable of theorizing and systematizing and can turn jurisprudence into the law of governing society and it analyzes and examines all the issues of the political domains as a system of issues of political jurisprudence.


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